Speaker Series January 2022

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Speaker: Lea Randall, Conservation Research Population Ecologist for the Calgary Zoo Lea Randall will present on amphibians in Alberta and on-going conservation efforts for Northern Leopard Frogs at the Calgary Zoo including captive breeding and reintroduction efforts in British Columbia.  "The northern leopard frog is considered to be the most endangered frog in British Columbia […]

Speaker Series February 2022

Zoom Alberta, Canada

SCENIC GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN ALBERTA: A ROADSIDE HIKING AND TOURING ADVENTURE Speaker: Dale Leckie, Ph.D., Geologist, Author Allow Dale Leckie to guide you to Alberta’s most scenic sites. Leckie tells the intriguing story of Alberta’s landscape evolution from Waterton Lakes National Park, to Dinosaur Provincial Park, into the Prairies, and across the North. With trips to […]

Speaker Series March 2022

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Something fishy's going on! Seafood mislabeling in Calgary and its implications for conservation Abstract Calgarians consume a lot of seafood, but what you bought may not always be what you got. Seafood mislabeling has been detected in cities worldwide. Here we explore a multi-year dataset collected by undergraduate biology students, comparing product names to their […]

Speaker Series (Sept 2022)

Alberta, Canada

Art of Seeing - Using nature photography, art and observation to feel better Date: September 21, 2022 Time: 7:30 PM Presenter: David Elphinstone Presentation link will be sent to members. David has a degree specializing in biogeography, with an emphasis on resource management and has spent most of his career working with the preservation of […]

Speaker Series (October 2022)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Kenow Fire – The recovery of Waterton Parks Presenter: Kimberly Pearson Kimberly Pearson manages the park’s post-fire science program. Her talk will provide a brief overview of how the fire unfolded, discuss its impacts on the park and the renewal that has taken place since, as well as some of the research that’s been underway. […]

Nature Calgary AGM

Zoom Alberta, Canada

In accordance with by-law 2.2 of Nature Calgary’s by-laws the board hereby gives notice that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 starting at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held virtually via the Zoom platform. The link to this meeting will be provided closer to the date of […]

Speaker Series (December 2022)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

One fish, two fish, red fish - new fish? Abstract: In this presentation Dr. Matthew Morris will explore Alberta's fish biodiversity, discuss some helpful tips for identifying fishes, and will examine why it is so difficult to get an accurate estimate of how many fish species call Alberta home. Dr. Morris is an associate professor […]

Speaker Series (January 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Title: Riparian Areas the Emerald Thread Connecting Land and Water Description: Riparian areas are the zones of water loving plants influenced by water that, although small in size, do allot for us. This presentation will offer an overview of riparian habitats including clues of plants and animals to look for, discussion of the functions riparian […]

Speaker Series (February 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Planet Earth has many iconic natural features and locals that attract the attention of naturalists. One such location that should be on the bucket list of all those who enjoy the wonder of nature are the Galapagos Islands. Join John McFaul on this virtual tour of these enchanted islands. Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Time: […]

Speaker Series (March 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Karen McDaniel spent 45 years in education as a teacher, administrator and professor starting in Kindersley and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan before moving to Calgary, Alberta for a long career with the CBE. After retirement, she went on to Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Washington.  She eventually returned to Calgary to work at SAIT negotiating articulation agreements provincially, […]