Fungi 101 West Bragg Creek

West Bragg Creek Day Use Area Alberta, Canada

Fungi 101 West Bragg Creek. Everything you always wanted to know about mushrooms. Searching for fungi of all kinds and points for identification. Directions: bear right through Bragg Creek townsite, […]

Confluence Park Botany Walk

Confluence Park 300 Beddington Blvd NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Autumn Botany 102; Confluence Park. Identify plants after flowering by secondary features. Confluence Park parking lot off Beddington Trail NW. Coming from the west turn into the park at the […]

Trees and Shrubs of Griffith Woods Park

Griffith Woods Park Alberta, Canada

A 3 hour walk in the park with a focus on identification of native trees and shrubs based on the visible features during the winter (growth habit, leaf buds, bark, […]