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Nature Calgary provides grants to Calgary schools for nature-related trips. The Nature Calgary Education Grant funds projects in Calgary schools to appreciate, observe, study and respect nature in the Calgary area.


Nature Calgary Education Grant

Nature Calgary’s Education Grant program is in its fourth year of funding to support schools in the City of Calgary that require financial aid for a project that teaches students to appreciate, observe, study and respect nature and the outdoors in Calgary and area.

Applications are accepted throughout the year and schools can apply for the funding once per school year. See below for application requirements.

Nature Calgary thanks the Edmonton Community Foundation for their generous donations to our Education Grant program.

Nature with Wildwood School – 2019

44 students from the Wildwood School Grade 3 class explored an awe-inspiring day at the Weaselhead Preservation Society! The class got to learn all about Mayflies, Caddisflies, and Dragonflies! They were thrilled...

Vista Heights School – 2019 

Thank you for providing the funding for us to enrich our learning about the environment at Ralph Klein Park. We measure and calculating area and perimeter in the apple orchard, and estimated rocks in the Gabion Wall. We studied and sketched birds and learned...

Ascension Of Our Lord – May 2019

Ascension Of Our Lord received an Education Grant from Nature Calgary and the six grade 8 classes went to Weaselhead park. The students had a day of hiking the trails of the park and learning about the different trees and plants that grow in the area. The...

Ernest Morrow – 2018

The grade 6 students of Ernest Morrow went to Fish Creek Park. They had a guided hike of the park with the intent to offer a natural world experience for students that reflected the outdoor field study components of Topic E: Trees and Forests from the grade 6 Science...

Ascension of Our Lord – “Riverwatch” – 2018

On May 11, 2018, our grade 9 classes (135 students) participated in a one-of-kind science field study.  The RiverWatch Science Program transports students in large, inflatable rafts to study water quality along a section of the Bow River.  The rafts are...

James Short Memorial School – Leighton Art Centre

Through this activity, every child created a nature-inspired piece of art. They learned art-making techniques such as pottery, watercolour, and wire sculpture. The children were so proud of their creations! They also had opportunity to use their sketchbooks to record...

Ascension of Our Lord – “Riverwatch” – 2017

On May 5, 2017, our grade 9 classes (114 students) participated in a one-of- kind science field study. The RiverWatch Science Program transports students in large, inflatable rafts to study water quality along a section of the Bow River. The rafts are floating...

F.E. Osborne School – Weaselhead Natural Area Field Trip

All five grade 8 classes from F.E. Osborne school spent the day at the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park as part of “Fresh and Salt Water Systems” unit of the science curriculum. The trip was led by instructors from the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society who...

Banting and Best School – “Surviving the Seasons”

Today our Grade One students at Banting and Best school participated in the ‘surviving the seasons’ program at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. We began our day with a nature walk through the property guided by our very knowledgeable and enthusiastic tour guide Jackie....

Alex Munro – “What’s the buzz about?”

Students from Alex Munro’s Garden Club are now able to answer after their fabulous field trip to the Chinook Honey Company on May 11, 2016. We started our visit with a picnic overlooking fields of dandelions and busy honeybees. Liam, our enthusiastic and engaging...

Apply for the Nature Calgary Education Grant

Nature Calgary Education Grant – 2019-2020 will not be available until further notice.

Objectives of the Education Grant
The Nature Calgary Education Grant was created to encouraging the appreciation, observation, study, conservation and protection of all components of the natural world. Here are the objectives of the grant:

  • To support schools who need funding for programs that involve students in a natural surrounding.
  • To give students the opportunity to appreciate nature and all it has to offer.
  • To develop in students an understanding that everything in nature is connected and that it is important to protect the natural environment and become an environmental steward.

Grant Guidelines
This grant supports schools in the City of Calgary who would like to receive financial aid for field trips outside the school grounds that teach students to appreciate, observe, study and respect nature and the outdoors in Calgary and area.

Any elementary, middle or junior high school in Calgary that needs extra funding to support field trips involved in exploring the natural environment. One grant per school per school year.

Areas eligible for receiving the grant
This grant is to be used for giving Calgary students, who may not otherwise have the opportunity, a chance to experience nature and the outdoors in Calgary and surrounding area (field trips to natural settings, outdoor programs, nature programs out of the school etc.)

Amount and duration of funding
A school can apply for the funding once in a school year. The funding must be used in the time frame stated in the grant application. The maximum amount per application will be $1000.00.

How to apply
Fill in the Application Form – Save the application “Your School Name_Month_Year” and  submit to grants@naturecalgary.com. Have the application form filled in completely. If there are questions prior to submitting the application form, contact us with your query.

Nature Calgary Education Grant – 2019-2020 will not be available until further notice.

Funding Criteria
Grants will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  1. The funds must be used for the proposed activity and expenses in the application.
  2. Grant funds may not be used to support remuneration, honorariums or salaries for the person applying for the grant.
  3. The funds will be given to the school if the application is approved by the Grant Committee.
  4. The application should include a complete list of all items or expenses to be incurred.
  5. The school must send a short report (200 words or less) to the Nature Calgary Grant Committee indicating what the students did or learned on the field trip. If the report is not received within the allotted time, Nature Calgary may ask for the funding to be returned and the school will not be eligible for funding the following year. This report is due one month following the conclusion of the activity.
  6. The report must also include the actual costs incurred compared to the original approved budget.
  7. If the funding is not used, then it is to be returned to Nature Calgary.

Project Budget – Use of Funding
In the application, indicate what the funds will be used for  – the amounts can be estimates and following the activity, the actual amounts spent are to be sent in with the report.

Do not submit receipts with the report. The school must retain the receipts for a period of 15 months (from the time of the approval of the application), and if they are requested by Nature Calgary, then they are to be submitted.

The following can be included in the budget – equipment that may be needed to support the activity, buses, program fees, etc. If unsure if your needs meet the criteria, email the contact above.

Decision Process
The Nature Calgary Education Grant Committee meets periodically to assess the grants applications submitted. The Nature Calgary Grant Committee will email the school to let them know whether they have received the funding or not, within one month of the application being submitted.

Applications will be accepted throughout the year – once an application is submitted the committee will evaluate the submission and the school will be notified within one month. If the application is submitted in June for the following year, the school will be notified in early September. The application must be for the school the teacher will be teaching at in the fall.

Application Form – Save the application “Your School Name_Month_Year”


Support Nature Calgary’s grants

If you would like to donate to this project please go to the Donate page. Thank you for your support!

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