Speaker Series – September 2020

Zoom Alberta, Canada

City Nature Challenge Results with Matt Wallace. The City Nature Challenge ran from April 24 - 27 this year and, despite COVID-19, had tremendous participation and results. Matt is the coordinator of the challenge that is a world wide effort to document the flora and fauna that reside in our urban environments. Due to COVID-19, […]

Nature Calgary AGM

Zoom Alberta, Canada

As a result of changes to the bylaws of the society the AGM  has been moved from December to October. A review of NC operations and financial status will take place as well as the election of the board members. Anyone interested in becoming a board member is welcome to contact John McFaul at president@naturecalgary.com. […]

Speaker Series – January 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

The Western Ghats Since retiring in 2016 Andrew Hart has made several visits to India. This presentation will center on the Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs parallel to the west coast of India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the eight hot-spots of biological diversity in the world. […]

Speaker Series – February 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Exploring the Ice Age Across Alberta Speaker: Dr. Chris Jass Alberta is rich in fossils, and over the past 10 years, Dr. Chris Jass (Curator of Quaternary Palaeontology at he Royal Alberta Museum), has explored the province in search of Ice Age fossils. In his presentation, Dr. Jass will take you to his favorite palaeontological […]

Speaker Series – March 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Kananaskis Country Ecology Program Title: Counting and Managing Grizzly Bears in Kananaskis Country Presenter: John Paczkowski John is an ecologist with Alberta Environment and Parks who has concentrated his career on wildlife research and conservation, mainly with large carnivores.  Summary: Join John Paczkowski, Park Ecologist with Alberta Environment and Parks, for a presentation on grizzly […]

Speaker Series – April 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Alberta's Native Bees Did you know there are over 300 species of native bees in Alberta? Join us to learn about the diversity of bees in Alberta, the challenges they are facing and what you can do to help them! Presenter: Megan Evans Megan has a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and a Master's degree […]

Speaker Series – May 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Nature Conservancy of Canada – Southern Alberta Conservation Presenter: NCC – Alberta The NCC has undertaken many conservation projects in southern Alberta that are working to secure the natural heritage of the lands and their biodiversity. These include the Rocky Mountain Front Region with projects including the Waterton Front Project and the Waldron Ranch Project […]

Speaker Series September 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Topic: Fungi in Your Backyard Presenter: Karl Bergmann Join local mycologist Karel Bergman as he takes us on a virtual tour of the fascinating world of the fungi that inhabit the Calgary region. Karel has been leading mushroom forays for Nature Calgary for many years. Zoom link has been sent to Nature Calgary members via email.

Nature Calgary Speaker Series – October 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Topic: Alberta Community Bat Program This is a great opportunity to learn about the many interesting species of bats to be found in Alberta. Discover their identities, uncover their ecological roles and learn how to help them. Day: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:30 pm Video Call: Zoom link has been sent to Nature Calgary members […]

Speaker Series Dec 2021

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Topic: Green Communities Guide: Advancing Nature-Based Solutions Presenter: Milena McWatt, Land Stewardship Centre Date: December 15, 2021 Time: 7:30 Venue: Zoom General Public Tickets  Info: Join us as we host the Land Stewardship Centre (LSC) for a presentation on the Green Communities Guide version 2.0, launched in summer 2021. Learn why the LSC updated the guide […]