Jul 11, 2017 | Education Grant Reports
On May 5, 2017, our grade 9 classes (114 students) participated in a one-of- kind science field study. The RiverWatch Science Program transports students in large, inflatable rafts to study water quality along a section of the Bow River. The rafts are floating...
Jun 11, 2017 | Education Grant Reports
All five grade 8 classes from F.E. Osborne school spent the day at the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park as part of “Fresh and Salt Water Systems” unit of the science curriculum. The trip was led by instructors from the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society who...
May 11, 2017 | Education Grant Reports
Today our Grade One students at Banting and Best school participated in the ‘surviving the seasons’ program at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. We began our day with a nature walk through the property guided by our very knowledgeable and enthusiastic tour guide Jackie....
Apr 11, 2017 | Education Grant Reports
Students from Alex Munro’s Garden Club are now able to answer after their fabulous field trip to the Chinook Honey Company on May 11, 2016. We started our visit with a picnic overlooking fields of dandelions and busy honeybees. Liam, our enthusiastic and engaging...
Mar 11, 2017 | Education Grant Reports
Hello Nature Grants Calgary! Today all the kindergarten students from St. Isabella spent the day at Ralph Klein Park using the grant money from you! We had a wonderful day exploring and learning about the wetland habitat there. We had been...