2 events found.
Anderson LRT Station
Events at this location
Pine Coulee
Anderson LRT Station Alberta, CanadaBirding trip south of Calgary. This can be an excellent spot for fall waterfowl and raptors. Meet at Anderson LRT station, south of pedestrian bridge to carpool. Trip will go until approximately 4:00 pm. Bring lunch. Leader: Tony Timmons, 403-256-0754.
NEW – Red Deer Lake nestbox trail
Anderson LRT Station Alberta, CanadaTour of Don Stiles' Red Deer Lake nestbox trail SW of Calgary. See young Mountain Bluebirds and/or Tree Swallows in the nest as well as to watch for other bird species and flowering plants. Meet at the Anderson LRT station, next to MacLeod Trail just S of pedestrian overpass. Leader, Don Stiles, 403-271-4689.