Star Night

Shouldice Aquatic Centre (Parking lot near baseball diamond) Alberta, Canada

Meet at the baseball diamond parking area east of the Shouldice Aquatic Centre off of Bowness Road. We will drive out to the Jumping Pound Demonstration Forest on the Sibbald Creek trail. Plan to be back to the city by 9:30 PM. Trip is weather dependent. 10 people maximum.  Bring appropriate clothing.  Call leader John McFaul […]

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary – December 2018

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The sanctuary is located at 2425 - 9 AVE SE. To get there from Deerfoot Trail take Blackfoot Tr west, turning left onto 19 ST SE then left again onto 9 AVE SE & drive 1 km east to sanctuary entrance.  Leader John McFaul,  403 289-9517. 

Earth Day Nose Hill Earth Day Crocus Cruise trip

Nose Hill - 64 Ave and 14 St Parking Lot 6465 14 St NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earth Day Nose Hill Earth Day Crocus Cruise trip. We will meet at the 64th avenue and 14 Street NW entrance. Leader John McFaul, 403 289-9517.

Meadowlark Meander at Confluence Park

Confluence Park 300 Beddington Blvd NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Meadowlark Meander at Confluence Park. Meet in the parking lot at Beddington Blvd and Beddington Trail NE. Leader, John McFaul, 403 289-9517. 

Nose Hill – Spring Wildflowers

Nose Hill - 64 Ave and 14 St Parking Lot 6465 14 St NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Nose Hill - Spring Wildflowers. Meet at parking lot 64thAve & 14th Street NW, Leader John McFaul 403 289-9517. 

Nose Hill – Summer Flower Walk

Nose Hill - 64 Ave and 14 St Parking Lot 6465 14 St NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Nose Hill - Summer Flower Walk. Meet at parking lot 64th Av & 14th Street NW. Leader John McFaul, 403-289-9517.

Nose Hill Park – Porcupine Valley

Nose Hill Park (Berkley Gate) Alberta, Canada

Porcupine Valley general nature walk. Meet at the Berkley Gate entrance off 14 Street and Berkley Gate NW. Leader John McFaul, 403 289-9517.

West Edworthy Park Nature Walk

Edworthy Park (south parking lot) Alberta, Canada

West Edworthy Park.General nature walk. Meet in the South Edworthy Park parking lot at the bottom of Edworthy Street SW. Follow sign to Edworthy Park. Leader John McFaul, 403 289-9517.