Inglewood Bird Sanctuary (October 2019)

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.  We'll look for late migrants as well as the 'usual suspects'.  IBS is located at 2425 - 9 Ave SE. From Deerfoot Tr take Blackfoot Tr west, turn left onto 19 St SE then left again onto 9 Ave SE & drive 1 km east to Sanctuary entrance. Meet in the parking […]

Early Spring migrants – Inglewood

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary to look for early Spring migrants. The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Ave & drive about 1km to park entrance. Please register with leader Janet Gill (gillannjanet*@* or 403 230-5671 […]

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary – July 2020

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Av. Please register with leader: Janet Gill, 403 230-5671 or text: 403 831-7828. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be limited to a […]

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Av. Please register with leader: Janet Gill, 403 230-5671 or text: 403 831-7828 . The Nature Calgary Board has asked that […]

Nature Walk Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Catch early fall migrants. IBS is located at 2425 – 9 Ave. SE (from the Deerfoot Trail, take the Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St. SE, then turn left onto 9 Ave.) Meet in the parking lot. Leader Janet Gill. (403) 230-5671 or (403) 831-7828. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be […]

Nature Walk Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Catch early fall migrants. IBS is located at 2425 – 9 Ave. SE (from the Deerfoot Trail, take the Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St. SE, then turn left onto 9 Ave.) Meet in the parking lot. Leader Janet Gill. (403) 230-5671 or (403) 831-7828. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be […]

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Av. Please register with leader: Janet Gill, 403 230-5671 or text: 403 831-7828 . The Nature Calgary Board has asked that […]

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Av. Please register with leader: Janet Gill, 403 230-5671 or text: 403 831-7828 . The Nature Calgary Board has asked that […]

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bird Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. IBS is located at 2425 – 9 Ave. SE (from the Deerfoot Trail, take the Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St. SE, then turn left onto 9 Ave.) Meet in the parking lot. Please register with leader Janet Gill: gillannjanet*@* or (403) 230-5671. Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips […]

Bird Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bird Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Meet at IBS parking lot at 9 Ave and 23 Street SE. Trails may be slushy/icy. Ice grippers recommended Please register with leader Janet Gill: gillannjanet*@* or (403) 230-5671. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be limited to a maximum of ten participants and pre-registration is required. And that […]