Passing of Jim Posey

It is with great regret that we pass on the sad news that Jim Posey, a long-time volunteer for Calgary Field Naturalists’ Society, has passed away.  Besides his tremendous contributions to  CFNS, Jim remained very active in the botany community being on the...

Nature Calgary Education Grant

Nature Calgary is initiating an Education Grant Project to support schools in the City of Calgary who require financial aid for any project that teaches students to appreciate, observe, study and respect nature and the outdoors in Calgary and area. This grant will...

New volunteer postings

Please see our Get Involved page for new volunteer opportunities.  Also, please consider helping on the Board next year — with more people and talents we can undertake more projects.  We could use help with grant applications, the website and newsletter,...

Annual Banquet Oct 19: book now!

Reserve your ticket now for Nature Calgary’s annual banquet on Saturday Oct 19.  Full details on the Banquet page. Our guest speaker, Jon Turk, is an author, adventurer, scientist, and someone who has thought about the spiritual value and practical criticality...

Articles on Woodpeckers and Owls added

We’ve posted two comprehensive article by Bird Study Group member Grant Brydle.  The first is on the ecological importance of woodpeckers as a keystone species in a northern temperate zone forest ecosystem.  The second is a useful compilation of owl species...

Volunteering to help with flood damage in parks

Both provincial parks (including Fish Creek) and Calgary parks sustained major damage in the June 2013 flood.  If you would like to help with cleanup, here are the links to information and volunteer registration: Alberta Provincial Parks:  Work dates have already been...

Fish Creek Provincial Park partly open

There are still some closed areas and bridge issues in Fish Creek Park.  For latest information see

Stanley Park redevelopment Open House June 15

The public is invited to review the Stanley Park Redevelopment Plan design options at a drop-in workshop, June 15, 1-4 pm, Parks Administration Building in Stanley Park, next to Lawn Bowling Green.  More information Nature Calgary has a representative on the...

East Bowmont Park development survey

Deadline extended to July 5. Online survey is open for input.  Calgary Parks would like public input regarding concepts that have been developed for the former Klippert gravel pit located in the east portion of Bowmont Park. In addition, off-leash boundaries...