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Nature Calgary appreciates the ongoing support, dedication and effort from our many volunteers. We are entirely operated by volunteers who give their skills and time.

Nature Calgary volunteers contribute to all events and activities, including:

Our activities and events are diverse, but they are all focused on the same mission: To encourage the appreciation, observation, study, conservation and protection of all components of the natural world.


Volunteer recognition

Thank you to our many volunteers and their dedicated service to Nature Calgary. We recognize the ongoing efforts of our volunteers at the annual general meeting in December and the volunteer recognition event in the Spring. If there is a Nature Calgary volunteer that you want to recognize, contact our volunteer coordinator: volunteers@naturecalgary.com.


Volunteer opportunities

Volunteers have an opportunity to meet others with similar interests for an interesting and rewarding experience. Best of all – volunteers can enjoy, appreciate and preserve natural areas within and beyond Calgary.

“My hope is that by spreading the word, we can get more people involved with the organization to learn and appreciate the natural world.”


Melanie Seneviratne, Volunteer and Nature Calgary member since 2013

Current volunteer opportunities

  • Nature Kids Needs You!  Nature Kids Calgary, under the guidance of Nature Calgary and Nature Alberta, is now planning activities for spring, summer and fall, 2018.  Our goal is to engage children ages 4 to 12 years and their families in outdoor activities that foster observation skills, scientific investigation, environmental stewardship and healthy living.  Each month, for two to three hours on a Saturday or Sunday, volunteers plan and facilitate an Explorer Day activity focusing on a nature theme or issue.  If you have a passion for nature or are knowledgeable in a specific area, such as geology, botany, tracking etc., and would be willing to share your expertise, please see contact info above.
  • International Migratory Bird Day: Help at Nature Calgary’s table at IBS, Sun May 13 11am – 3pm. Lunch is usually provided by IBS. Shifts will be 10:30-1:00 and 1:00-3:30 or the full day. See contact info above.
  • The Bird Study Group (BSG) of Nature Calgary is looking for additional advisory group members. The BSG supports and encourages the appreciation and understanding of birds and their habitat. The primary task of the advisory group is to support our objectives by organizing and delivering a series of monthly meetings. The meetings typically feature an invited speaker and allow for interaction and the sharing of ideas and news between members. The advisory group provides general support to the Nature Calgary board on birding issues, and responds to periodic requests for bird identification, and general birding information. All of this requires attendance at two or three meetings a year and some follow up with the meeting speakers. If you would like to join us, please contact us for more information

Ongoing volunteer opportunities

  • Board roles
    • President: Chairs monthly meetings, responds to inquiries from media and others.
    •  Vice-President: Supports President and fills in when President is absent.
    • Treasurer: Looks after financial matters and presents a statement each month.
    •  Secretary: Takes minutes and sends out notices.
  • Directors
    • Program Director: Organize Monthly Speaker Series.
    • Communications Director: Coordinate newsletter and website.
    • Representation Director: Support members who represent other nature organizations in Calgary.
    • Volunteer Director: Coordinate, encourage and record volunteers for NC meetings and events, help organize a thank-you event in May.
    • Publicity Director: Coordinate publicity for meetings and events
    • Bird Study: Organize monthly Bird Study Group meetings.
    • Botany Study: Organize monthly Botany Study Meetings. 
    • Directors at large: A flexible role that provides support to the Board.
    • FAN Representative: Liaison between Nature Calgary and Federation of Alberta Naturalists (Nature Alberta). Attends some Edmonton meetings.

Other Volunteer Positions

  • Membership Secretary: Maintain membership database, process membership applications/renewals.
  • Field Trip Co-Coordinator: Organize Leaders and field trips each month.
  • Field Trip Leaders: 
    • Contacts Trip Coordinator to let him/her know you want to lead a trip
    • Take others to a favourite natural area. Always room for more leaders!
    • Bus Trip Coordinator — arranges annual bus trip
  • Welcome Table: Host table at monthly Speaker Series and/or bird study meeting welcome table (sign up new members, etc.).
  • Bird Study Group Chair and committee members: Chairs Bird Study Group meetings and finds speakers for the meetings.  
  • Newsletter Co-editors: Write and edit newsletter. Computer skills needed.
  • Webmaster: Coordinate website maintenance and updates, Mailchimp updates and campaigns, and Facebook updates.
  • Banquet: Chair and organize a committee to organize November Banquet.
  • External Events: Represent Nature Calgary and lead walks, activities or events for other organizations or groups.


“My favourite activities are those that involve children, speaking to school classes, Cubs and other organizations as well as walks and outdoor nature events. To me there is no greater satisfaction in helping children learn about nature and the environment, to enjoy the natural world and the hope that they will become future stewards of our environment and wildlife.”


Ian Ross, Volunteer and Nature Calgary member since 1996


Become a Nature Calgary volunteer

We welcome everyone to consider volunteering for Nature Calgary. If there is a specific role you are interested in or just want to learn more about volunteering with Nature Calgary, please fill out the following form.

As a volunteer-run organization, we don’t maintain office hours and our events and activities are held throughout and beyond Calgary. 


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