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Field Trip Leaders

All Nature Calgary trips are led by volunteer leaders.


Resources for leaders

Quick Links

Trip Planner Page – Information and calendar for trip leaders to prepare and plan for upcoming field trips.
Waiver and Release Form – For participants to complete before the trip at the meeting place.
Field Trip FAQ – Information for field trip participants.
Mileage Reimbursement Form (Excel document) – To receive a charitable donation receipt for mileage expenses.


Before the trip


During the trip

  • Have participants sign the Waiver and Release Form at the meeting place.
  • Make sure that all participants have a chance to see the object of interest.


After the trip

  • For birding trips, please post a list of sightings on Albertabird and on eBird. If you or another participant submits an eBird checklist, other participants can opt to receive a shared eBird checklist. Please share the list with ncebird@naturecalgary.com. You will find instructions about this on eBird help for trip leaders and participants.
  • Please return the completed Waiver forms to the  Nature Calgary secretary either by mail to our PO Box or at a meeting or other event.
  • Fill out the Mileage Reimbursement form (PDF or an Excel document) for a charitable donation receipt for mileage expenses.


Bird sighting resources

Albertabird – Group for bird sightings in Alberta.
BirdTrax – Shows a summary of recent eBird sightings in the Calgary area.
Ebird Canada – Use Explore Data menu. No userid needed.
Alberta Birds (Facebook Group) – Mostly photos.


Lead a field trip!

Show us the way to your favourite natural area or help us to find new nature spots in and around Calgary. Volunteer opportunities are available for all levels of experience – we can partner you with an experienced leader to get you started. Share your knowledge or a favourite location! Learn more about volunteering.

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