Glenbow Ranch Birding Tour
September 13 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
*Please note – this event is hosted by Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation. Please see their registration system for details and direct all inquiries related to registration to the Foundation.
Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park contains some of the last remaining foothills fescue grassland as well as a scattered mosaic of wetlands and wooded areas. This diverse habitat provides home to a wide variety of bird species. Unfortunately, many of the best birding locations are far from the parking lot. Join GRPF Conservation Program Coordinator Blake Weis and Steward Annie Finch to visit the best locations on a golf cart tour of up to four hours where we’ll cover nearly 20 km of trail.
We are likely to see or hear around 30 to 50 bird species. During spring and fall migration we can expect to find a wide variety of migrating birds such as warblers, sparrows, and raptors. The breeding season offers grassland and foothills specialties like Vesper Sparrow, Mountain Bluebird, and Western Meadowlark as well as riparian species like Baltimore Oriole and many swallows, sparrows, and flycatchers. Some uncommon possibilities include Turkey Vulture, Prairie Falcon, Rock Wren, Sprague’s Pipit and Spotted Towhee. Late September also boasts stunning fall colours and possibly some early fall waterfowl migration.
Please see Glenbow Ranch’s registration site for pricing and other information.
Nature Calgary members will receive a discount code for this event in the monthly event newsletters starting in early April. If you are a Nature Calgary member and you cannot find the discount code, please email communications@naturecalgary.com. Please direct any other inquiries about the event to the Glenbow Ranch Part Foundation.