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Calgary Christmas Bird Count

December 16, 2018

  • Following the count (from 5 pm on) all participants including Feederwatchers, are warmly invited by Cindy and Dan Parliament to compile results and have supper at 116 Vantage Bay NW (note change of venue from 2017). Cindy and Dan would be pleased to hear from anyone who can contribute any side dishes, salads, or desserts (403-247-4987).
  • Please count mammals as well as birds.
  • New participants wanting to join Feederwatch, please contact Barb Coote at barbcoote*@*gmail.com.
  • New participants should contact a Route Coordinator (North: John McFaul, 403-289-9517; East: Terry Korolyk, 403-254-1878; West: Jim Washbrook, 403-282-8849; South: Dan Arndt, 403-836-7405).
  • We encourage voluntary donations to cover the cost of the dinner, as well as contributing to Nature Calgary and Bird Studies Canada. (Bird Studies Canada no longer collects a $5 fee for the count). To donate: before the count, please send a cheque to Nature Calgary, P.O. Box 981, Station M, Calgary AB T2P 2K4. Mark the cheque “Donation for Christmas Bird Count”. Donations over $20 will receive an official CRA tax receipt. You may also donate online; please include in “Special Instructions for Seller” that it is for the Christmas Bird Count. You may also bring your donation to the supper.


December 16, 2018
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