- This event has passed.
71st annual Calgary Christmas Bird Count
December 18, 2022
The 71st annual Calgary Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on December 18, 2022. This event is open to everyone who has a passion for birds regardless of skills and abilities. The CBC is an annual census of birds found within the count circle. All species are identified and counted which helps us to understand populations of birds living in our area. Field teams are now full but we are seeking additional Feeder Watchers throughout the count circle. Especially in East Calgary.
How to participate as a Feeder Watcher
- Fill out the registration form before December 17
- Confirm your residence is within the count circle (view map)
- Download the Feeder Watchers Data Template
Count Day: December 18th , 2022
- Observe birds for a minimum of 15 minutes visiting your feeders, in your yards, and all birds flying over your house.
- Identify and count the highest number of each species seen at one time and add them to the template (example below of how to count). You can observe birds for multiple periods over the day but keep track of all of your time watching. DO NOT add counts of each species together.
- For assistance with Identifying birds look here for Common Calgary backyard birds in December. If you’re bird is not on the ID guide, try to identify or submit details and photos to citynatureyyc@gmail.com asap.
- Record names of all people who participated in the count, the time spent observing, any mammals that were seen, and include your address and postal (for data analysis purposes only); Add all information to the data template
- Email your template and include any photos you took to Matt Wallace citynatureyyc@gmail.com at the end of the day.
Example of how to count birds as a Feeder Watcher
- 9:00am- 9:30am: 2 House Sparrows, 1 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch
- 10:45am-11:00am: 5 House Sparrows, 1 Blue Jay, 1 Black-capped Chickadee
Example Data to submit:
- 5 House Sparrows, 1 Blue Jay, 1 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch
- Observation period: 0.75 hours
For more information, please contact the Calgary CBC compiler Matt Wallace at citynatureyyc@gmail.com
Note: if you have already filled out the registration form or spoken with a feeder watcher captain, please do not fill out the form again. Emails with templates will be sent out to participants the week of the count.