Bird Mallard Point, FCPP

Mallard Point (Fish Creek Provincial Park) Alberta, Canada

Bird Mallard Point, FCPP. Meet in parking lot at far east end of Canyon Meadows Dr. SE. Please register with leader: Anne Belton at ibelton*@* or 587-233-7339. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be limited to a maximum of ten participants and pre-registration is required.

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. IBS is located at 2425 - 9 Ave. SE (from the Deerfoot Trail, take the Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St. SE, then turn left onto 9 Ave.) Meet in the parking lot. Please register with leader: Nimali Seneviratne at ntfern*@* or 403-836-5146.

Bird Carburn Park

Carburn Park Alberta, Canada

Bird Carburn Park. Carburn Park is reached by turning south from Glenmore Trail onto 18 St SE, right onto Rivervalley Dr SE and then left onto Riverview Dr SE (2nd left, ignoring cul du sac). Please register with leader: Anne Belton at ibelton*@* or 587-233-7339.

Common Mosses and Liverworts of Calgary (North Glenmore)

North Glenmore Park (Weaselhead parking lot) Alberta, Canada

Common Mosses and Liverworts of Calgary. North Glenmore Park. If you know trees and flowers, it’s time to learn the common bryophytes (Mosses and Liverworts) of our area. This outing will be presented by Sandra Davis, a local Bryologist. The course will run 3-4 hours. Participants need to bring a 10X hand lens, and there […]

Nature Walk – West Edworthy Park

Edworthy Park (south parking lot) Alberta, Canada

Nature Walk - West Edworthy Park. Meet at the south parking lot down the hill from the end of Spruce Drive SW. Leader John McFaul. 403-289-9517.

Weaselhead Natural Area

North Glenmore Park (Weaselhead parking lot) Alberta, Canada

Weaselhead Natural Area. Meet in the parking lot on the W side of 37 St at 66 Av SW. To get there, take Crowchild Trail S into Lakeview turning right onto 66 Ave SW & drive west to 37 St into parking area. Or, from Glenmore Trail take 37 St S exit. Please register with […]

NEW – Plants of Edworthy Park

Edworthy Park (Upper area past off leash park) Alberta, Canada

Plants of Edworthy Park, Upper level. Edworthy St SW, past Edworthy Off leash Park. Access from Bow Trail SW. Turn north onto 45 St SW, then west (left) on Spruce Dr SW. At its end, road swings slightly. Do not go down Edworthy Park (Coulee) Rd; instead keep left on Edworthy St. This immediately swings […]

Bird Lafarge Meadows FCPP

Fish Creek Provincial Park - Boat Launch Parking Lot (Bow Bottom Trail) Alberta, Canada

Bird Lafarge Meadows FCPP. Meet at boat launch parking lot, S end of Bow Bottom Tr SE. Dress according to the weather. Please register with leader: Anne Belton at ibelton*@* or 587-233-7339.

Birding Inglewood Bird Sanctuary – July 2020

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary 2425 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The sanctuary is located at 2425 9 Av SE. Meet in parking lot. From Deerfoot Trail, take Blackfoot Trail westbound exit to 19 St SE, then turn left onto 9 Av. Please register with leader: Janet Gill, 403 230-5671 or text: 403 831-7828. The Nature Calgary Board has asked that trips be limited to a […]

68th Street SE Wetlands

Elliston Park 1827 68 St SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

From 17th Ave SE, turn south on 68th Street SE, just beyond the City of Calgary storage compound turn right into parking lot. Plan is to walk to the NE corner of Elliston Lake then continue clockwise around the Wetlands. Total distance is approximately 4.0 km, bring water and sunscreen. Please register with leader: Dave […]

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