Bird Study Group (February 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Topic: An Overview of Moult and Age Classification in Birds Presenter: Caroline Lambert Moult, moult strategies, plumages, and resulting age classifications are some of the more complex topics in birding. Knowledge of a bird's plumage and moult can aid in identification, especially of the trickier species such as gulls. This talk will present a basic overview […]

Bird Study Group (March 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Investigating potential introgression between two North American passerines in western Canada Speaker: Aaron Veale Hybridization may increase when one species is rarer than the other (e.g., when one species does not have an established population, in endangered, or is on the edge of its range). With the eastward range expansion of Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana), […]

Bird Study Group (April 2023)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Ethical Owl Observations LINK for registration TIME: 7:30 PM PRESENTER: Dan Arndt Alberta is a fantastic place to spot owls in their natural habitat, and this presentation will provide some valuable insights on how and where to find these elusive creatures. Dan will share tips on how to make the most out of your owl-watching […]

BSG Meeting – May 2023

Zoom Alberta, Canada

New Zealand Speakers: John and Lorrie Anderson Lorrie and I traveled to New Zealand in November of 2022 and stayed for 5 weeks (which is their early spring). Birding is a little different in New Zealand, as a lot of the endemics and migrants are seen on pelagic trips with the rest of the endemics located at predator […]

BSG Meeting – Oct 2023

Zoom Alberta, Canada

What: Bird Study Group - Birds Canada! When: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Time: 7:30PM Presenters: Andrea Gress and Amanda Bichel with Birds Canada Join Andrea and Amanda as they speak to what and who Birds Canada is followed by what they both do there.  Andrea will speak on behalf of the Ontario Piping Plover Conservation Program […]

Bird Study Group Meeting (February 2024)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Presenter: Terry Bird Topic: How technology is changing how we see birds Bird banding and band recoveries are among the oldest techniques used to study migratory routes of birds. Today, technology is changing how we can learn from birds, and much of what we are learning is very surprising. Join us to hear about extraordinary […]

Bird Study Group Meeting (March 2024)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Presentation Name: Eagle Count Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Time: 7:30pm Presentation Info: Every year thousands of Golden Eagles fly along the ridges past Banff and Canmore - migrating north in the spring and back south in the fall. For more than 30 years, teams of citizen scientist volunteers with the Rocky Mountain Eagle Research […]

Bird Study Group Meeting (May 2024)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

Date: May 1, 2024 Time: 7:30PM Presentation: Population trend analysis of common passerine migrants through Calgary - Results from over 25 years of banding by the Calgary Bird Banding Society at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary In his talk Mathias will explain how bird banding data can be used to learn about population changes via trend analysis. […]

Bird Study Group Meeting (June 2024)

Zoom Alberta, Canada

DATE: June 5th TIME: 7:30PM   Join Dr. Mark Boyce for an enlightening and comprehensive presentation on the conservation of the sage grouse, a keystone species vital to the health of North America's sagebrush ecosystem. In this talk, Dr. Boyce will delve into the latest research findings, including this year's data, to highlight the current […]

Bird Study Group: September 2024

Topic: Banded Gulls Presenter: Tessa Craig Bio: I am a first year Master of Science student in the Centre for Wildlife Ecology at Simon Fraser University, where I am supervised by Dr. Tony Williams. I am originally from Prince Edward Island (my family has a potato farm - cliche, I know!) and I completed my […]