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Join us in exploring the diversity of plants throughout the natural areas in and around Calgary. Nature Calgary has events, field trips, presentations and opportunities to contribute to the long-term preservation of plans and natural landscapes.


Botany field trips

Nature Calgary offers botany field trips in the spring and summer. Learn more about our field trips.


Presentations and Speaker Series

The monthly Speaker Series Showcases features presentations from special guests on topics ranging from natural history, scientific research and travel topics. Free for Nature Calgary members and $5 for non-members.


Species counts and conservation opportunities

The annual May species count for flowering plants takes place on the May long weekend. Information on the locations and how to participate are sent to Nature Calgary members early spring. We offer checklists and guidance so anyone can participate in a species count. The 2013 May species count brochure has more information.

See our photo galleries to help identify plants commonly found in the Calgary area.


Partnerships and other botany groups

There are several Alberta groups with a focus on botany that offer workshops, publications and other resources:

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