Deadlines for registration are these events are approaching:  for the bus trip, June 26, and for Waterton, July 4.

You may register online for the Annual Bus Trip and the Waterton Weekend, using secure payments via PayPal.  You do not need a PayPal account, you can use a credit card — proceed to the PayPal page and  look for the statement “Don’t have a PayPal account?” and click on it.

Members get a reduced price but have to log in with your Nature Calgary username and password. If you have forgotten both, please contact  and we will help you out.  We are all volunteers, so please be patient.

If you know your username but have forgotten your password,  you Login (green button) and enter your Username, then click the Lost your Password link and follow instructions. An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password.

You may also register and pay by cheque – click on the event names to get details.