Hello Alberta Bird Counters! We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Brooks and Writing-on-Stone Bird Counts will take place on the following dates:

  • Brooks-Lake Newell Bird Count: Sat. May 20 and Sun. May 21
  • Milk River – Writing-on-Stone Bird Count: Sat. May 27 and Sun. May 28

If you plan on camping we highly recommend booking early!

  • Tillebrook Provincial Park: general reservations for May 19-21 will open at 9 am on Saturday February 18. www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or 1-877-537-2757
  • Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park: general reservations for May 26-28 will open at 9 am on Saturday February 25. www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or

Note: a small non-refundable fee of $12 per person will be charged to all Brooks participants to help cover the rental of the Brooks Legion meeting room.

Please indicate interest in participating to Debra Hornsby in advance of registration. Registration forms will be emailed by March 27. The 2023 count brochure provides further information and a draft count schedule.

We look forward to seeing all of you — and thousands of migrating birds — at the end of May!

To indicate interest contact: debra.hornsby.banff*@*gmail.com
More information: Donna Wieckowski astolat*@*shaw.ca
(NOTE: Remove *’s before emailing)

Download the brochure