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Mark your calendars! The annual Calgary Christmas Bird Count is taking place on December 15th, and bird lovers of all levels are invited to join this important citizen science event. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just enjoy watching the feathered visitors to your backyard, there’s a way for everyone to participate.

The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has a fascinating history. It began in 1900 when Frank M. Chapman, a member of the newly-formed Audubon Society, proposed replacing the holiday tradition of hunting birds with a Christmas Bird Census. This was a progressive idea for the time, motivated by concerns about declining bird populations. That first count involved 27 birders conducting 25 bird counts across North America (including Toronto!), recording an impressive 90 species.

The Calgary Christmas Bird Count began in 1952 and has since grown to be one of the largest counts in Western Canada. This year, participants can join as part of a Field Team, trekking through Calgary’s natural areas, streets, and back alleys to count birds, or as a Feeder Watcher, observing birds in their yard from the comfort of home.

How to Participate:

  • Sign up: Register to join a Field Team or participate as a Feeder Watcher by filling out the registration form.
  • Check your location: Feeder Watchers should ensure they are within the official count circle by using this map.

Can’t make it to the Calgary event? There are other Christmas Bird Counts happening across Canada! Find one near you using the CBC Map Viewer.

By participating, you’ll contribute valuable data that helps scientists track bird populations and their trends over time. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to connect with nature and your local birding community during the holiday season.

Don’t miss out—sign up today and be part of this century-old tradition!

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