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Nature Calgary is proud to be a supporting sponsor for the the fourth annual Calgary City Nature Challenge. The City Nature Challenge takes place April 29 to May 2, 2022! Document ANY flora and fauna you find by taking photos with your phone or camera and then upload them to the iNaturalist app or iNaturalist.ca. Cities around the world will compete to see which can make the most observations, document the most species, and engage the most people.

We’re trying to hit a benchmark of 10,000 observations and 1000 observers this year! Help us make it happen!

This event is free and open to all ages. Plan a trip with your friends, family, or community and explore nature close to home. Look in your backyards, favorite parks, or visit the unknown! Nature is everywhere and this event is aimed at engaging you with your local environment. Have fun and showcase our local biodiversity on a global scale during the 2022 City Nature Challenge.

Project Boundaries: Calgary, Cochrane, Airdrie, Chestermere, Okotoks, Foothills County, or Rocky View County.

For more information on how to participate, check out www.citynatureyyc.ca.

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