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From: Bird Friendly Calgary

To: Nature Calgary

As you know, Calgary was recently certified as a Bird Friendly City by Nature Canada. As part of the certification, Calgary is asked to designate an official bird to represent the city. In this regards we wish to create a short list of bird species that would vie for that position. We are reaching out to members of Treaty 7 First Nations and local environmental groups such as yours to nominate bird species to be included in a short list that will subsequently be presented to Calgarians to vote on.

We are asking you to send this request for nominees to your members. They can respond individually by sending one list of the names of up to three candidates to: birdfriendlycalgary@gmail.com

The five species which receive the most nominations will make up the short list which will then be presented to Calgarians to vote on. This will take place in the spring of 2022. The bird species which receives the most votes will then be presented to city council for their official approval.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, December 6th.

Bird Friendly Calgary Team

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