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A quorum of members attended the Dec 17th, 2013 AGM. AGM Minutes and new Board  2013 Presidents Report

The annual President’s Awards were given to:

  • Jamie Noakes who has held a number of Board positions over several years, including that of Natural Areas representative.
  • Val Scholefield, who has operated the welcome table at our meetings for several years, and in effect been the “face” of Nature Calgary to new guests, as well as taking on other volunteer positions.

Special recognition was also given to Gus Yaki, in grateful recognition of his 11 years as our Field Trip Coordinator. (Gus has previously been given the President’s Award and in 2012, Nature Alberta’s Loren Goulden Award).

Ed and Bev Kissinger presented a most entertaining and challenging illustrated Christmas Nature Quiz, and the winner was Joel Duncan, who will get to challenge us at the next AGM’s quiz.

After viewing some photos and videos from members, we enjoyed snacks in the foyer.

(PS: traffic was light and road conditions were good in both directions of the drive to Cardel Theatre).


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