Bird counts: see Field Trips or Birding pages for dates and details.
Plants in bloom:
May 25-31, Federation of Alberta Naturalists May Count. Select your favorite natural area and participate in this province-wide Count. Contact Suzanne Visser
svisser@ucalgary.cafor further details. Calgary participants reported the second highest number of species (169) in bloom in the Province (481) in 2012.
The count circle extends from Olds to Nanton, and from Exshaw to Standard, and includes a variety of forest, prairie, marsh, foothills, and urban park environments. This “citizen science” project is one of Calgary’s contributions to a broad knowledge of the constantly changing patterns of bird abundance and distributions in North America. Calgary birders have been out in force every year since 1976. Last year, more than 73 people recorded 219 species of birds. Previous years’ reports. To participate or inquire, contact bird count coordinator Terry Poulton 403-274-7393