An excellent opportunity for the amateur naturalist to work with researchers in Kananaskis:
Biogeoscience Institute, University of Calgary, Spring Naturalist Weekend
June 14 – 16, 2013 at the Barrier Lake Field Station in Kananaskis Country. Cost: $125 + GST, includes 5 meals and accommodation for 2 nights. Guest scientists include Dr. Rolf Vinebrooke, University of Alberta; Drs. Paul Whitfield and Keith Musselman, University of Saskatchewan; and a third scientist, TBA. Session topics are: Rolf Vinebrooke, “Ecological Surprises by Invasive Sportfish and Global Warming in Mountain Lakes”; Paul Whitfield and Keith Musselman, “Climate, Weather and Water in Kananaskis Country”and “TBA”. More info: Judy Buchanan-Mappin, ph. (403) 220-5355; email: